
Talents. Gifts. Whatever people call them now… They have a way of showing things we don’t see unless we look deep enough, or sometimes feel things we don’t feel normally.

I’m talented! Or so I’d like to believe. The thing is I figured that the only talent I noticed I had was being able to sing well. Then I got saved and I realized that there were different things that started to get developed in me; different talents I finally saw I had.

Sometimes I think people hear the word gifts or talents and think, “Singer” or “Dancer”. While those particular gifts are more focussed on, there are other talents that people have, but haven’t discovered yet. This is mostly because some people don’t consider some abilities as a talent.

I think that God imparts everyone with one or more talents; it could be the ability to love, be compassionate, care, be generous, trusting, listen, comfort, empathize, sympathize, encourage, lead – and so much more – in ways that others can’t. These become bigger, better and change other lives or a little part of the world, when it is used to glorify God; the gift giver.

This is the place to share with you the talents/gifts that some people are using to praise and glorify God; to show the beauty and love of God in, not only what we see, but what we hear, feel and do.

What’s your gift? What is that thing/s that God has bestowed upon you that you can use to make a change?

I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours…

Brendan MacFarlane

Jotta A

Brendan MacFarlane

Jotta A

1 Corinthians 12 – The Spiritual Gifts…

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