Mirror to the World

FlowerOften and time again, I have heard preachers and teachers alike say that we Christians are the Bible that the world is reading now. That people no longer bother to read the Word of God to know what Christianity is all about.

I remember the preachers and teachers emphasising how we have to live a Godly life to show the world that Christianity is all about serving God in truth. They would often make reference to the verse of the scripture where the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch because they were Christ-like (Acts 11:26).

While I am familiar with the whole story and do try to be mindful of my actions as a Christian, I never thought deeply about how it might apply to me directly.

Recently, I was going through a phase that I can’t really put into words. It felt like a battle I had to fight alone. While trying to figure what was right from what was not, a friend I had recently reconnected with called me. During the course of the conversation he asked, “Have you still got your Christian experiences?”

That threw me! while it is a question I try to ask myself every now and then, I never thought someone else would ask me directly. He went on to explain the things he had seen in me that had encouraged and challenged him. He hoped I had kept my faith while away and that caused him to ask the question.

All the traits he mentioned he had seen in me were part of my everyday life; I didn’t see anything that special to them, but he did. He noticed my actions, even the ones I thought no one would dwell on.

This got me thinking…. There have been times when I knew something I did was wrong but just passed it off as something I could pray about later. I realised, then, how wrong such an uncaring attitude was.

That conversation with my friend made me realise that I alone might not bear the consequences of my actions. Someone, somewhere, is bound to be affected by it; whether for good or bad.

I realised just how much responsibility lies with me and every other Christian out there. The fact that our actions, knowingly or unknowingly might be the deciding factor for whether someone else joins the Faith or not is a heavy responsibility. However, it is one that we are able to bear if we reach out to God for help.

The world is watching me and you, will we be found true to our Christian profession?

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